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SASC Recreational Soccer

Modified U7-U8 age group deatils

Since U7-8 is where the Goal Keeper position is first introduced to the players, SASC uses a modified set of rules to the usual 5v5 game to help protect these young and inexperienced GKs from collisions.

  • Format: 4 field players + 1 goal keeper
  • Field: 44 x 30 yards
  • Goals: 5' x 10'
  • Use of a 'no-go' goal-area (semi-circle 6y radius) instead of a traditional penalty area
    • If a player from either team, other than the GK, plays the ball in the no-go goal area, the resulting restart is a goal-kick
All the other normal elements of 5v5 soccer are included at this age group:
  • Goal-Keeper
  • Throw-ins (with one retry)
  • Corner kicks (with corner flags)
  • Build-out line (to the half-way line)
  • Club-provided Referee
U7/8 field layout